Our freedoms, our future

This election is about more than any candidate or party. It's about defending our freedoms and voting for the future the rio grande valley deserves. ✊

👷🏽‍♂️ Freedom to make a good living 

📚 Freedom for our kids to learn and pursue their dreams

💧 Freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water 

🗳️ Freedom to vote in fair elections

🏡 Freedom to retire with dignity

🩺 Freedom to get the care we need (without going bankrupt)

👩‍👧‍👦 Freedom to move and give our families a better life

❤️ Freedom to care for our loved ones

🗣️ Freedom to be you who you want to be and say what you want to say

🏳️‍🌈 Freedom to love who you love

🦸🏽‍♀️ Freedom to decide what happens to our bodies

we the pueblo choose


get involved

we the pueblo endorse kamala harris para presidenta!


we're pueblo-powered.